Qloud MSP

Qloud MSP


Qloud MSP is a cloud consulting & SI company established in 2011. Their midsize team is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Their services include cloud consulting & SI, IT managed services, cybersecurity, and unified communications consulting & SI.

Locate Us

L4-E-1A, Level 4, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,

57000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia


At Qloud MSP, we believe technology should be working for businesses. The complexity and cost should not prevent companies from achieving greater heights. We are obsessively passionate about helping corporates to adopt technology that can make better decisions, save cost and time, building brand image, and, most importantly, customer’s trust towards your company.

Specialized in Managed Services, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Data Hosting and Protection, Backup and Disaster Recovery. Qloud MSP doesn’t stop at one area, we continuously expand into the latest technology advancement, providing a more comprehensive solution to our partners, with an affordable price, and instant results.

Products and Services

Next-Generation MSP
Managed Hosting Services
Data Protection
Backup & Disaster Recovery
Network Performance Monitoring
Qloud SecureBIZ Mail
Productivity Tracking
Phish Protection


Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Management by objectives – SMART
Play hard, work harder
Constant learning
Minimal hierarchy